Community Calendar
February 25: Good Games for a Good Cause Winter Weekend
Running DDEP-10-02: Song of Spears!
Sign up for an event badge on the Good Games for a Good Cause Winter Weekend Tabletop page, then grab a free ticket for an open game on the Event Schedule!
More information is available on the Good Games Discord server.
Upcoming In-Person Shows:
February 5-9: Winter Fantasy – Fort Wayne, IN
Show Badges and Information:
Events Grid:
Winter Fantasy will feature a refresh of the Advisory Council, a group selected by Baldman Games and the community at large! The Advisory Council members act as representatives of the community, meeting with Dave once per quarter to provide feedback from the community at large directly to The Baldman himself.
The Annual Baldman Banquet & Awards gala is back! Meals will be provided for Winter Fantasy DMs, and attendees are also welcome to join the dinner for a small fee! Delicious local barbecue will be potentially returning, as well as general updates and announcements about current and future Baldman Games activities.
Winter Fantasy will also be premiering the conclusion of the Dragonlance: Vault of the Undying storyline!
February 21-23: MagicCon: Chicago – Chicago, IL
Show Badges and Information:
Featuring a preview of the brand-new organized play campaign, Legends of Greyhawk! Legends of Greyhawk will have a focus on using the new D&D 2024 materials, and Baldman Games is playing a central role in launching and supporting this new campaign! Look forward to hearing more about Legends of Greyhawk in the future!
Four Legends of Greyhawk adventures will be available at MagicCon, three normal adventures and an epic! One of these three adventures, Ruins of the Moathouse, will be exclusive to Level 20 D&D VIP badge holders.
March 6-9: Emerald City Comic Con – Seattle, WA
Show Badges and Information:
More details on BMG at ECCC coming soon!
Drop Day Dates
February 20, 2025
March 13, 2025
April 17, 2025
We’re nearly caught up with all 2023 storylines!
The DRW-OD storyline is currently backlogged, but will start being published again in March or April. February will feature new Moonshaes modules and potentially Dragonlance. New adventures from 2024 should reach publication in April!
Home Game in the Cloud:
Home Game in the Cloud has moved to an in-house ticketing system on the Baldman Games website! Some rough edges have appeared, but we’re working to smooth them out – Some changes are coming soon, while others are going to take some time.
Home Game in the Cloud games has moved away from the Baldman Games Community Discord server, and now has its own Discord server! If you have not already been joined of the new server for HGitC games, please open a ticket in the Community Server and we’ll get you where you need to be!
Tons of new games are being added to Home Game in the Cloud! Be sure to check the home-game-Planning forum on the Baldman Games Community Discord server as new groups continue to organize and prepare for launch!
Premiere Event Pricing
A $2 price increase will apply to Baldman Games created modules during their premiere event – 100% of this surcharge goes directly to the creative team, Baldman Games takes no cut of this surcharge.
This price increase only applies at the premiere event, and modules being run during future months or events will run at the standard price.
Winter Fantasy Premiere Modules:
MOON-POB-07 and MOON-POB-08 – The conclusion of the Promise of Blossoms storyline!
February Virtual D&D Weekend News
February’s Charity:
NAACP Empowerment Programs
The mission of the NAACP Empowerment Programs is to secure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights to eliminate race-based discrimination and ensure the health and well-being of all persons.
Games Running in February:
Classic Epic
DDEP-07-02 – Drums of the Dead
With tables running at Tiers 2, 3, and 4. There will only be one Tier 2 table (to start—more can be added if there is demand), but plenty of space for Tier 3 and Tier 4 characters. Adjustments will be made if necessary.
Moonshae Isles: Promise of Blossoms
PO-BMG-MOON-POB-04 – Something New
PO-BMG-MOON-POB-05 – Something Borrowed
PO-BMG-MOON-POB-06 – Something Blue
Theros-06: Depths of Tartyx will be running this month as a single table experience. This one’s for the folks who haven’t yet had a chance to wrap up the Theros storyline!
Forgotten Wyrms
New to VDDW:
FR-DC-LIGA-10 – Tangled Threads of the Moor
Lunar Zodiac
WBW-DC-ZODIAC-13 – Familiar’s Feast
New to VDDW:
SJ-DC-ZODIAC-14-01 Fortune’s Favor
SJ-DC-ZODIAC-14-02 Fey Inferno
DM-Led Content
DM Mitch Smithson
- CCC-ROLL20-02 – The Heir of Orcus: Verse III
- CCC-AETHER02-01 – The Heir of Orcus: Verse IV
DM Carolina Marcos
- DDHC-KGV-03 – Reach for the Stars
DM Marik Montalván
- DDAL 07-18 – Turn Back the Endless Night (Year of the Snake!)
DM Luis Ricardo
- Dragonlance!
- DL-DC-LIGA01 – A Silver Light
- DL-DC-LIGA02 – Wickedness over Dargaard
Author Sessions
DM Spencer N.C.
- FR-DC-LIGA-10 – Tangled Threads of the Moor
- RV-DC-SNC-08 – Bad Moon Rising
- A Rails In the Mists adventure!
DM George Sanders
- Dragonlance
- DL-DC-SF-1 – Split or Fuse
- Anhult – George’s Setting!
- Anhult Rise: Mystery of Thorngage Manor
- Anhult Goblins: Sacks, Shoes, and the Steel
- Anhult Goblins: Goblins, Escape!
Regarding January’s LIGA-10 Cancellation:
Due to last month’s mass cancellation of LIGA-10, we are offering everyone a $2 coupon usable once per person. This coupon is available for use on any adventure during February’s VDDW event.
Regular Scheduling Reminders
Events that are removed from rotation are not gone!
Red Carpet
What is the Red Carpet Treatment?:
Applications for February’s Red Carpet events will be opening sooner than usual due to January’s compressed timeline. Announcements will be made on Discord and social media when applications are available.
Find a group in the #VDDW-Game-Planning forum in the Baldman Games Community Discord server.
Special Requests/Audience Demand
Sometimes we bring things back if it looks like there’s enough demand to make it work! Pull teams together in the #VDDW-Game-Planning forum in the Baldman Games Community Discord server!
Home Game in the Cloud
What is Home Game in the Cloud?: We’re always looking to add more Home Game in the Cloud experiences, and groups are forming in the Home-Game-Planning forum in the Baldman Games Community Discord server
Ted’s Tea Corner
Jasmine Green Tea from Mem Tea Imports
Early Bird Badge Giveaway Winners
KatCahill – February VDDW badge and two free tickets
ycwhizker – February VDDW badge
dlfranco83 – February VDDW badge
fernando52 – February VDDW badge
fossitms – February VDDW badge
Winners, please contact Spencer and Ted at
Looking for Early Bird Badges?
The **first 50** people to claim using the following code will get their badges for free:
[[REDACTED]] – Whoops! Looks like you’ll have to tune into Scry Ahead to find out!
Dragon Marks:
Are those Dragon Marks burning a hole in your pocket? Four Dragon Marks gets you a ticket, starting at 10:00am (Eastern – UTC−05:00) on Tuesday, two hours before tickets normally go on sale! – Command to use Dragonmarks is /usemarks in the Baldman Games Community Discord.
Dungeon Marks:
Dungeon Marks are Dragon Marks earned by running games as a Dungeon Master! You’ll only need one Dungeon Mark to get your early ticket! – Command to use Dungeon Marks is /usemarks in the Baldman Games Community Discord.

Dungeon Marks:
Dungeon Marks are Dragon Marks earned by running games as a Dungeon Master! You’ll only need one Dungeon Mark to get your early ticket! – Command to use Dungeon Marks is /usemarks vddwbadgedm in the Baldman Games Community Discord.
January 31-February 2, 2025
March 14-16, 2025
April 4-6, 2025
Upcoming VDDW News
Dreams of the Red Wizards Endgame Epic
The BMG-DRWEP-END – Endgame: Horrors From Beyond epic will be running again in March, and is currently expected to be the final run of this epic.
Moonshae Isles: Promise of Blossoms
PO-BMG-MOON-POB-04 – Something New, PO-BMG-MOON-POB-05 – Something Borrowed, PO-BMG-MOON-POB-06 – Something Blue are rerunning at February’s VDDW!
PO-BMG-MOON-POB-07 and PO-BMG-MOON-POB-08 will be premiering at Winter Fantasy in February, and will then make their way to the VDDW calendar in March and April. The Joust of Roses will also return one last time in April.
Forgotten Wyrms:
The much delayed FR-DC-LIGA-10 – Tangled Threads of the Moor arrives at VDDW in February, with FR-DC-LIGA-11 planned to arrive in March!
Lunar Zodiac:
The ZODIAC-14 adventures begin in February with 14-1 and 14-2, with 14-3 arriving in March.
Adventures in Chult:
This is the last month for Turn Back the Endless Night.
DM George Sanders:
Bringing two storylines from his own setting, as well as DL-DC-SF-1 – Split or Fuse.
A new MTG plane comes to Virtual D&D Weekends!
The plane of Avishkar, formerly known as Kaladesh, is a world of brilliant inventors, fearless racers, and artifice beyond your wildest dreams! Perhaps you’ve visited this plane before through the Magic: The Gathering trading card game, but soon you’ll have your chance to tell your own tale on this storied plane as a new Magic storyline prepares to launch during Virtual D&D Weekends this spring!
Reminder: Plans are only PLANS and are subject to change! The further out we go, the more likely content is to change!
February VDDW Dates: January 31- February 2, 2025
February VDDW Badges:
February VDDW Events Grid:
3-Month VDDW Events Grid: