Baldman Games and its leadership team believe strongly that gaming and storytelling are at their best when everyone is welcomed to the table and given the tools and opportunity to participate together. To that end, we are working to more fully engage in goals that support diversity, equity, and inclusion in our programming, membership, and leadership. When we create works and run events that reflect the tapestry of human experiences more broadly, and actively invite more people to share in both creating and experiencing those stories, we can be part of shaping a future that welcomes people of all races and ethnicities, genders, orientations, ages, abilities, and backgrounds to collaborate. And that’s something truly beautiful.

Our DEI committee was officially unveiled at Winter Fantasy 2023, and has begun to collect data amd feeback from our community. Once the data collection and analysis is done, they will begin to coordinate with our Community Committee to develop milestones for continuous improvement and to advocate for specific, measurable changes within our organization and events that further these goals. We are looking at ways to address unequal representation at all levels of leadership and membership at large, along with investment in actively promoting diversity within our community and other spaces in which we’re present.

Watch this space for more updates as we progress towards our goal.